our team


About Us

Our company is an IYT partner yacht school. We provide training and IYT certifications up to the Yacht Master Offshore level.

Our company is an IYT partner yacht school. We provide training and IYT certifications up to the Yacht Master Offshore level. We also provide theoretical and practical training for yacht captains for passing the exam to obtain the State Certificate of the Republic of Estonia.

Our instructors have higher pedagogical and maritime education and STCW safety certificates.

They have extensive sailing experience in almost all yachting regions of the world on various types of vessels. We always take into account your individual characteristics and wishes both during training and during pleasure cruises.

We have been organizing yacht and adventure tours, sports and corporate regattas for over 20 years and have reliable partners – charter companies all over the world. We are always ready to help you choose yachts and develop the best route.

CEO, BOOKING, Yacht trainings

Tatiana Kaverina

Co-founder of the yacht companies “International Yacht Master Association” and “Sea Wind” and  partner schools IYT: “Sea Wind” and  “Yacht Challenge”. Over 15000 nm. 

Tatiana has been working in the global travel industry since 2000, in the yachting business since 2003.

Specialization: yacht school, yacht cruises, Online courses, regattas, sailing and adventure tours, yacht charter.

“The sea gives us Love and endless Energy. I really want as many people as possible to feel this.”

Тел: +3 725 375-44-94

e-mail: info@yacht-challenge.com

IYT instructor 

Master of Yacht 200 tons

Higher pedagogical education

Yaroslav Kaverin

Instructor IYT up to Yachtmaster Offshore level, Professional certificate Master of Yacht 200 gt (USA, Fort Lauderdale), STCW

19 years at sea, 12 years as a captain, over 15000 nm

Education – Higher, Pedagogical University, Faculty of Physical Education, diploma in sailing

regions – Baltic, North, Norway, Mediterranean, Atlantic France and Spain, Canada, USA, French Polynesia, Caribbean, Seychelles, Thailand.

All types of yachts, traditional old Dutch ships with gaff, jib-stay and swords. 

“There are no incapable students, you just need to find a way to learn and convey the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities”

e-mail: yaroslav@yacht-challenge.com

iyt  Instructor

Higher Maritim education

Roman Kaverin

Instructor IYT up to Yachtmaster Offshore Sail and Power level, STCW.  Education – Higher, University of Maritime and River Shipping, Faculty Of Navigation

17 years at sea, 8 years as a captain, over 30000 nm

regions – Baltic, North, Norway, Mediterranean, Black Sea, Atlantic France, Australia, Seychelles, Thailand

All types of yachts, traditional old Dutch ships with gaff, jib-stay and swords

“Yachting is like mathematics – you need to take into account a large number of input parameters and choose the right solution from all possible ones”

e-mail: roman@yacht-challenge.com

iyt  Instructor  

Viktor Taube

Captain instructor IYT up to Yachtmaster Coastal Sail and Power level, STCW.  Education – tecnical

15 years at sea, 10 years as a captain, over 10000 nm

regions – Baltic, North, Barents Sea, Mediterranean,  Atlantic France and England, Canarias islands

All types of yachts

e-mail: info@yacht-challenge.com

Captain Instructor, programmer

Riiko Vartiainen

Tallinna Technikaülikool, IT-specialist

Yacht  training, iT-questions, online courses.

Site administrator at yacht-challenge.com

WhatsApp,Viber: +37253454650 

accounting, general issues

Laura Niit

BA, Tallinn University of Technology, Economics, accounting, organizational issues, higher education in economics.

Founder of L.L Corrector OÜ

Booking cruises and trainings in Pärnu, Accounting

e-mail: laura@llc.ee

Tel, WhatsApp: +3 725-563-00-79 

Computer Graphic Specialist

Taya Petroff

  • BA, Pedagogical University, Art, Design, and Industrial Drafting Faculty.
  • Web Site Design Diploma, Herzing College, Toronto, Canada.
  • SEO and Paid Media course, George Brown College, Toronto, Canada.
  • Retail software courses: Web & Desktop Retail software, Digital Assets Management, Promotional planning, Retail Ad-builder, Code-Code Fast Labels.
  • Projects: Supported, prepared, and presented IT pilots, and long-term projects for wholesalers: Safeway, Price chopper and Krasdale Food  in the USA; Shufersal, Super Pharm and Office Depot in Israel; TPH and Sunwing Airlines in Canada.

“An airplane has freedom in space but a yacht has freedom in time.”  Richard Bach